- Firm, ripe pears
- Melted butter
- Large grain sugar
- Lemon juice, - Cinnamon
- Some clean
- food-grade planks. Pre soaked.
- Ice cream to finish the dish.

Assemble your ingredients.

Cut the pears in half and scoop out the centers.

Brush with lemon so that the pears don't turn brown and look icky. This was the mother-in-law's idea and, like all her ideas, was pitch-perfect and presented with grace, wit and keen intellect.

Put the pears on the planks. Ideally, your planks will have been soaking under water for at least a few hours. A full day is best. For our recipe we used one cedar plank and two smaller white-oak planks. The smell in the backyard was heavenly.

Brush with butter because, well... butter tastes good.

Sprinkle with large grain sugar and some cinnamon. If you want to add to the complexity of the dish, this is a good time to add some additional spices such as clove, allspice, nutmeg, and so on. Hey, it's your dessert - you decide what you want on it.

Place the planks and pears on the barbecue. Use high heat directly under the planks. Once the planks start to smoke you can turn the barbecue down a bit so the pears don't char.

There should be lots of smoke in your backyard.

Once the pears are soft and smokey - take them off the grill.

Serve with some ice cream. Delicious.