Barbecue Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions

Gas and Electric Barbecue Maintenance

My burner has a low flame. Why does my barbecue does not get hot enough?

Why won’t my grill light?

Can my barbecue explode?

Why does my barbecue have high flames and flare-ups?

Why does my gas grill have a yellow flame?

Why won’t my barbecue cook evenly?

My barbecue is smoking, and not in the ‘mmm smoked brisket’ way. What does this mean?

My barbecue keeps catching on fire! Why? How can I prevent this?

How should I clean my barbecue? How often should I clean it?

My cast iron cooking grids are rusty. What should I do?

My barbecue is making a strange humming noise. What’s going on?

Why does my electric grill keep turning off?

Do I need a cover to protect my barbecue?

What kind of regular maintenance does my barbecue need?

Can I leave my barbecue outside in the winter? What about the propane tank?

Can I put my grill grates in the dishwasher?