Gas Fireplace Frequently Asked Questions

Are gas fireplaces safe?

Where is the pilot light on my gas fireplace?

Why won't my pilot light turn on?

The pilot light is fine and gas is coming out of it, but the fireplace still isn’t lighting. What gives?

The pilot light and burner both light, but will not remain lit. Why?

Where is the gas valve on my fireplace?

Why won’t my gas fireplace light or stay lit?

Okay, the pilot light comes on, but turns off after a few seconds or minutes. What gives?

I’ve cleaned the fireplace top to bottom and replaced all of the necessary parts. Why is it still not lighting?

What are some other signs my gas fireplace might need service?

How can I safely clean my fireplace? How often should I do it?

I smell gas when I turn on my fireplace. Is this normal

My gas fireplace smells nasty. Why? What can I do to fix it?

When do I need to close my gas fireplace flue?

Can I safely leave my gas fireplace on all night?

Can I convert my gas fireplace to wood?

Is it still safe to use a gas fireplace when the power goes out?

How much does it cost to install a gas fireplace?

How will a gas fireplace impact my monthly bills?

Can I install a gas fireplace outdoors?

How do I clean my gas fireplace glass?

I have more questions, but I don’t see them listed here. How can I get in touch with you to ask?