Coffee is delicious. It’s so much more than that, though. It’s a miracle maker. It’s straight up black magic. It also does a hell of a job cleaning your grill - maybe. According to lifehacker, all you’ve got to do is “dump a bunch of unused coffee into your grill for easy cleaning.” – I think we can all agree that dumping “a bunch” of coffee is easier than the kind of deep cleaning that more often than not involves an impressive variety of swear words and some elbow grease (and by elbow grease, we mean beer… beer to calm the nerves). As you probably know, we here at BBQ-HQ are firmly in the, ‘don’t bother cleaning your barbecue all that much’ camp, BUT, if you’re looking for new ways to degrease your grills – maybe this is for you. Check out the full how-to here.
From the Barbecues Galore Book Club files, this month’s book-tip is‘The Coffee Trader’ by David Liss. A brisk novel set in 17th century Amsterdam (which, for those that don’t know, was a time period in Amsterdam when a ‘coffee shop’ actually sold, well, you know, “coffee”). It’ll teach you all you need to know about the workings of an early commodities exchange and will provide you with detailed descriptions of one man’s whirling entry into the world of over-caffeination. Best read (as shown) in front of a Valor fireplace.
We’ve tooted Stephen Raichlen’s horn in this newsletter once or twice before. We admire his focus on grilling and are genuinely impressed with the quality of the products he produces in conjunction with his best selling cookbooks. His ‘Java Rub’ is a well crafted blend of coffee, cocoa and other spices that will help with your coffee obsession. Try it on a pork loin. Yummy. In the coffee-vein, our Calgary stores also stock the ‘Java Buzz’ version of the ever popular ‘Char-Crust’ rubs AND Denzel’s Chipotle/Coffee barbecue sauce.