Do Electric Fireplaces Provide Enough Heat?


Hi Doc, I'm seeing a lot of electric fireplaces at the local stores. Tell me your thoughts? Are they good heaters?

Thanks, Elle L'ectreau 


Dear Elle,

My grandmother used to have an electric fireplace. It was a set of papier-mâché logs with a red lightbulb behind them. It looked about as realistic as a Baywatch casting call. Luckily things have dramatically improved. Now, many electric fireplaces have an attractive, realistic flame pattern.

In basic terms, electric fireplaces can be split into three categories:

1.) Mantles - models that include a traditional wood mantle and can be used as a furniture piece in a living area,

2.) Media - this is currently our most popular category and allows you to store televisions and other electronic equipment efficiently and stylishly,

and 3.) Wall Mounted - this growing segment feeds into the contemporary trend you're all seeing in TV shows and magazines. In my opinion, an electric fireplace of any kind is not a good choice for you if you're primary concern is heat. While most units have some type of heater in them they are usually only good for taking the chill off the room. On the plus side, they are extremely easy to install into almost any room.


Doctor McGrillemup

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