In this post (still, Canada's number one, free, amateur, online, original, 'have we mentioned free?', barbecue, smoking and grilling blog), we're talking about Christmas. For our stores, Christmas is a slower time of year so, on a personal level, many of us are very excited about firing up our own grills and hosting freeloading friends and family. Remember, our stores are an oasis of retail sanity at this time of year. No lineups, no problems finding a parking spot and no elbow-to-elbow shoving matches just to get to the checkout. Plus, we've got approximately 5,000 items to choose from. If you have someone on your Christmas list that's interested in food and cooking: I guarantee you we have some terrific gift suggestions for them.

Don't forget; we sell the world's best gas fireplaces. And, to make it a matching set, we also have what we believe, are the world's best fireplace installers. If you're hoping to make the house more comfortable in time for Christmas -- call us immediately.
And speaking of fireplaces -- we're having a little picture 'event' around here. We're looking for good pictures of bad fireplaces. In particular we want to see brass. That's right, 'brass'. Every fireplace in the Western world used to have brass all around it. Now that it's passé -- it sort of makes us laugh. So, send us a high quality picture of your brassy fireplace (make sure there's a human being in there for 'scale'). If we can post it on our facebook page and/or newsletter -- we'll send you a $20 gift certificate to use in any of our stores.