On Saturday, August 10, our Calgary North store hosted
Wallnut YYC, a local art community in Calgary, Alberta, whose mission is to:
0ntologic, a group dedicated to catering to the break dancers of YYC by
providing events/competitions, workshops, gear and more, was also on-site to share their love and skill for dance for our customers.
Two artistic and creative outlets paired with one of the oldest forms of art, barbecuing, made for one fun Sunday.
Barbecues Galore is a national barbecue company and we believe in the power and presence of community - I mean we barbecue, after all, what says community more than that? And so, to spruce up our outdoor walls, to get into the Calgary art scene, to make ourselves an Instagram destination and most importantly to encourage and support local artists we hosted the 2019 YYC Graffiti Jam.
More than 20 local tag and graffiti artists came out, and in full daylight no less, to showcase their work on the south walls of our warehouse. The new artwork is now full frontal to the road for neighbors and passerby's to admire.
We had 1 vs. 1 dance battles and some insanely talented children and adults alike bust a move.
Our very own assembler, Burhan: good with his hands, better with his feet, unofficially won the dance battle in our professional opinion.