Gas Fireplace or Electric Fireplace: Appearance and Ambiance

When it comes to selecting a fireplace style that perfectly complements your home, it's undeniably the most enjoyable part of the process. The sheer variety of options available with both gas fireplaces and electric fireplaces allows you to find the ideal design that harmonizes with your home's overall theme.

Gas Fireplaces:

Imagine the cozy ambiance created by a natural gas fireplace, where authentic flickering flames mirror the real thing. This warmth and comfort extend throughout your home, providing an inviting atmosphere. Most gas fireplaces offer customizable flame height, replicating the charm of a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Moreover, gas fireplaces can be tailored to match your style with a variety of trims, logs sets, finishes, to choose from.

Electric Fireplaces:

Electric fireplaces provide an array of design and style options, ensuring there's a perfect match for your space. The flames from an electric fireplace not only offer a sense of warmth but also add an extra layer of light, elevating your home's ambiance. You can even customize the heat and light using a remote or thermostat. Another feature worth noting is the ability to enjoy the fireplace's flame without the accompanying heat. This is particularly useful on warm summer evenings when you desire the visual warmth without the actual temperature increase. Electric fireplaces also offer the flexibility to turn LED lights on or off, enabling you to set different moods in your home.


The crown for enhancing your space's appearance and ambiance goes to gas fireplaces. Their authentic flame and customizable flame height recreate the feeling of being beside a traditional fireplace. 

Click here for the rest of the series on whether you should choose a gas fireplace or electric fireplace for your home.

Valor Gas Fireplace Installation in Calgary


Barbecues Galore has the best selection of barbecues, grilling accessories, patio furniture, outdoor heating supplies, and fireplaces in Canada. We pride ourselves on providing you with the best backyard experiences and home comfort possible. With locations in Calgary and the GTA, you can visit us in store or shop online. North Calgary Store: (403) 250-1558 | South Calgary Store: (403) 258-4440 | Burlington Store: (905) 639-5952 | Oakville Store: (905) 844-3224 | Etobicoke Store: (416) 546-3266
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