- 1 large eggplant (did you know it's a fruit?)
- ¼ cup fresh lemon juice, plus more as needed
- 1 pinch ground cumin
- salt, to taste
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- ¼ cup tahini
- 3 garlic cloves
Assemble your ingredients.
Grill the eggplants over high heat. About 15 minutes. (Sort of tough to overcook them, so feel free to wander about the property whilst they're cooking.)
Remove from the grill.
Remove the skin and stems so that you're left with an unappetizing pile of guck.
Put the guck and the rest of the ingredients into the food processor and whirl it round.
Voila - a delicious Baba Ganoush recipe! Our reviewer had this to say about it: "Actually, it's not too bad." Our egos swell.