Gas Fireplace or Electric Fireplace: Total Costs

When considering your budget and home, it's crucial to evaluate the cost factor associated with your fireplace choice.

Gas Fireplaces:

The installation costs for gas fireplaces can be higher than those of other types. In certain situations, you might need to install a new gas line, further contributing to the expenses. The overall cost, including purchase and installation, typically falls within the range of $1,800 to $10,000+ (CAD). The operational costs are dependent on local gas prices and the frequency of fireplace use.

Electric Fireplaces:

Electric fireplaces, on the other hand, do not rely on gas but rather electricity, and this cost must be factored in. The total expense, covering the purchase and installation of an electric fireplace, typically ranges from $1,200 to $3,500+ (CAD). A notable advantage is that many electric fireplace models can be self-installed and plugged into a standard outlet, potentially saving on professional installation costs.

In terms of cost considerations, electric fireplaces take the lead. This is attributed to factors such as lower maintenance costs, operating expenses, and the potential for self-installation.

Click here for the rest of the series on whether you should choose a gas fireplace or electric fireplace for your home.


Barbecues Galore has the best selection of barbecues, grilling accessories, patio furniture, outdoor heating supplies, and fireplaces in Canada. We pride ourselves on providing you with the best backyard experiences and home comfort possible. With locations in Calgary and the GTA, you can visit us in store or shop online. North Calgary Store: (403) 250-1558 | South Calgary Store: (403) 258-4440 | Burlington Store: (905) 639-5952 | Oakville Store: (905) 844-3224 | Etobicoke Store: (416) 546-3266
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