If you want to convert your wood fireplace cavity to a gas burning unit, this Valor G3 is likely what you're looking for. As our most popular gas fireplace insert unit, the G3 has amazed all it's owners.
Valor is well-known for it's user-friendly and energy-efficient fireplaces that people love. Like all other Valor fireplaces, the G3 uses radiant heat that spreads evenly throughout your home. This means the surfaces in your living room, or wherever else you have your new fireplace, will get warm without having to use a loud fan that will blow hot air around. Why is this important?
Not having a fan blow hot air is significant because a fan will inevitably get louder overtime. Additionally, not having hot air blowing around also means no dry air - no need to buy a humidifier too when you have a radiant fireplace by Valor.
The Valor remote also gives you complete control on different heat settings and scheduling. So, your fireplace can turn on automatically on a chilly Sunday morning and you can enjoy it's warmth with some hot chocolate without touching the remote at all.
Looking for something else? Checkout our webpage all about Valor!
- Make it yours: choose from four fuel beds, three liners, and eleven fronts (depending on model)
- Valorstat remote control allows you to on/off the fireplace, choose times for the fireplace to start, set temperature (has a built in thermostat for auto-regulate), set timer, heighten/lower flame, and more!
- Does not require any electricity for heat - perfect for power outages and storms
- Uses AutoFire: easy startup with automatically adjusted airflow, saves energy with improved operation efficiencies, and fine tunes your fireplace to establish top performance
- Safety barrier screen comes standard with all Valor Gas Fireplaces
- Available in B-Vent and Direct Vent models
- Valor gas fireplaces boast one of the best turn down rates in the industry. This allows you to adjust the flame to suit your thermal needs.
- Does not need a fan to operate. Which is great, because no fan = no noise
- Increases homes overall efficiency
Check out what our experienced and licensed gas fitters can do for your wood-to-gas fireplace installation:
- Click here to see the Valor Legend G3 Series brochure