These four-pound bags of Weber wood chunks come in five delicious flavours for endless possibilities! Weber wood chunks are a little bigger than most - say, about the size of a 10-year-old's fist or seven loonies, piled on top of one another. You don't have to be born with a banjo or sleep beside your smoker, night after night, to get some smoke flavour into your food. Nowadays, anybody can do it, using any kind of barbecue. We've got all the supplies (and free advice) you need. And we're not just blowing smoke.
In Texas, they call mesquite, Texas Ironwood because it'll dull the toughest chainsaw. That's probably why these chunks are a little on the large side about the size of half a stack of poker chips. Anyhow, next time you're smoking with mesquite and are moved to propose a toast to the memory of Davy, here's a good misquote: Remember the name of that fort in Texas! Mesquite has a strong flavour and is often used to grill fast-cooking beef. Also works wonders with veggies.