So you've gotten an Alfa pizza oven and you're left with some questions. Lucky for you, we pride ourselves on being the experts with the answers. So, let's get to it.
How to set up my Alfa pizza oven?
To install an Alfa steel oven, follow these easy steps:
- Place the base of the structure,
- insert the chimney into the flue,
- put the chimney cowl, and the flue into the dome of the oven.
If you have a wood-fired oven, you can start using it immediately. If you have a gas-fired or hybrid model, you will need to connect it to the natural gas line or propane tank using the supplied hoses. If you need extra gas line connections, click here to see your options.
How do I light my Alfa oven?
To use a natural gas or propane Alfa oven, just turn the knob, push the ignition button, and adjust the flame.
If you have a wood-burning oven, start by building a fire in the center of the oven using kindling. Once the fire is burning well, add some pieces of hardwood. Finally, add some logs that are about 5 to 10 cm in diameter to really get the fire going.
The larger the wood-burning oven, the more fire wood that you'll need. When using larger models, we recommend using a fire poker to spread the fire all over the oven floor after you're confident it won't burn out. Doing this will ensure the oven floor heats evenly.
Remember to use pure hardwood or even charcoal to avoid producing dense, black smoke and excessive ash that could ruin your meals.
How do I use the wood-fired oven for the first time?

When you light the wood-fuelled versions for the first time, it's absolutely necessary that the heat increases gradually to around 570 °F (300 °C) in order to get rid of the moisture within the bricks; and any dust and other impurities. Heating up bricks excessively fast on the first go around will cause the moisture to expand and crack the bricks - so go slowly. When the oven reaches the temperature and the wood has become fully black, this is when the oven is ready to be used for your delicious homemade pizza.
How do I properly extinguish the flame on the wood-fired oven?
Simply turn the oven off (if you're using gas, as well) and close the oven door to cut off it's oxygen. The flames should extinguish themselves after about 30 minutes. At this point, only ashes should be left and you can remove them. Be aware that the fire brick will stay hot for some time afterward - DO NOT use your hands to remove the ash.
For the safety of you and your home, DO NOT leave the oven unattended while the wood is burning.
What types of wood should I use?
We recommend you use small pieces of wood that are very dry for lighting/kindling. Of course, different wood types provide different fragrances and tastes, so it's really up to what you prefer:
- Wood from fruit trees, like cherry or apple wood, are great for appetizers or fish.
- Maple, pecan, hickory, or mesquite wood are the best for meats.
We HIGHLY recommend you DO NOT use treated wood, resin, or scrap wood due to the impure chemicals infused into it. We also advise against damp wood, despite the popular myth in the barbecue world that you should soak your wood chips. In short, you'll be getting a lot of steam and less heat.
Also, DO NOT use charcoal as a heat source because they burn much hotter than wood, which can be detrimental to the oven.
How do I properly use my gas-fuelled Alfa pizza oven for the first time?
Before you start your gas-model Alfa oven, ensure that all the following are done correctly:
- Check all gas connections for gas leak before starting your oven. If you don't know how to do this, consider using our convenient white-glove Barbecue Butler service:
- Keep a clearance of at least 20 inches away from the oven door when lighting it - this includes any combustibles like your houses' siding, any combustible structures, and especially your own hair and face.
- When lighting the oven, ensure that the oven door is open, so that gas does not billow up inside before it ignites.
- If you're using propane, be certain that the burner control knob is turned to it's "off" position before opening your propane tanks gas valve.
- Remember, no matter the fuel type, DO NOT move the Alfa oven while it's in use.
Can I customize my Alfa oven?
Yes, Alfa pizza ovens can be customized by choosing the type of fuel - wood, gas, or hybrid - and the available colour of that model.
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